family watching her growing up and giving her advice, the use of meaningful and catchy lyrics gives the audience an insight into what the show is about and makes them anxious and excited to watch more. As the sequence develops the camera zooms into the family photo wall revealing images and short clips of the main characters within the photo frames, like the Tracy Beaker and, MI High sequence the sequence reveals its characters personalities through short clips and images. I like the use of the photo frames as it brings together the family life theme and it is more interesting than other sequences within the industry, it also clearly conveys its young target audience.
Furthermore, the characters of the program are all dressed in typical everyday clothes; the colours of their clothing are bright and eye catching further emphasising the upbeat and positive mood of the program. Moreover, the simple clothing also suggests that they are a normal everyday family which many children and families watching can relate to. As the sequence comes to an end the camera focuses on one particular image of the family together, it then zooms out of the frame to reveal the actual image of the family and the programs logo. This is typical of many title sequences as it is the final image that is shown to clearly suggest what the program is about, the typical family portrait further emphasises the theme and genre of
the program. Overall, the fast paced camera shots and exciting and upbeat music suggest that this is a light hearted and fun program for children to relax and enjoy, the positive mood is again shown through the large variety of colours used for the character clothing and photo frames. In Conclusion, this title sequence is very similar to those in the media industry as it follows all the typical media conventions as, like MI high they both open with establishing shots of where the program is set and use theme tunes to give the audience an insight into their programmes plot.
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