Friday 1 April 2016

Evaluation - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Throughout the project I regularly conducted target audience feedback , this was so that I could see if my products appealed to the young market and gather constructive comments associated with them . Audience feedback is vital to any project with a client because, you need lots of different opinions in order for the product to appeal to a mass market. Overall, iI feel that the audience feedback I conducted throughout the project was highly successful as, I have made three media projects that are eye-catching and most importantly appealing to my audience. 

The first audience feedback I conducted was when I had to decide on a TV Drama theme and, a catchy memorable name. Audience feedback was important at this stage as I had to chose an idea that was neutral so that it appealed to everyone in my target audience, both male and, female. When choosing a TV drama theme I used a simple tally chart system in which I asked several members of my audience to pick their favourite, this was a quick and effective way for audience feedback as I could clearly see what theme was the most popular and, the one that was the least popular. I again used a simple tally chart questionnaire when deciding the name of the program, this was because, when under a strict time schedule this was an easy and effective way for the audience to have their say on the programs name. This was important as it would be the branding for the show therefore , it had to be memorable and recognisable for the children when on the television or shop shelves. Throughout the project I used this way of conducting simple audience feedback purely for convenience, if I did a similar project again I would maybe ask the children for some comments along side the tally just to see their thoughts behind the names and ideas. This would of helped me in the long run as I could of done small amounts of in depth feedback rather than, lots of different feedback sessions. 

Main Task
Regarding my title sequence, I carried out feedback sessions throughout the project to make sure it appealed to my young target audience. After my initial designs (post 'Storyboards') I asked my target audience for some feedback and, they expressed how they were not keen on the starting as they felt it didn't grab their attention when on the TV. They also said it was cliché of time travelling programs and advised me to do something more original. This feedback was vital to the development and, final out come of my title sequence as without this advice I would of started to film my original ideas and would of had to change it later on which, would of been an inconvenience. After, the feedback I then thought about a new, original, opening scene to my title sequence, this was when I came up with the radio idea, this can be see on the 'Storyboard revisions' post. Once I had drawn out and, explained my new idea they all commented on the originality of the idea and felt it was more appealing to them and their peers. Looking back on my original storyboard it was a very boring and cliche idea and, the  audience feedback I gathered was crucial to my end product. if I hadn't of carried out this feedback my end result would of been boring and, unappealing as I was making the title sequence like I wanted  and not what my audience wanted. I again carried out more feedback regarding my Title sequence after my mock up, this was again crucial to the success of the project as it was my audiences final time to tell me what they liked and disliked and some final advice/improvements. This feedback session was very in detail as I showed them all the video and allowed them to write down their own thoughts and feelings. This helped my project develop and become appealing as it was a second opinion on what I initially thought was a successful project. By letting them to write down their opinions allowed me to read them and draw similarities between the comments, for example, lots of the children commented on the repetitive nature of the sequence stating that the backgrounds were all very similar. A lot of the children also commented on the 'Dull lighting' which created a boring and unappealing product. I therefore, took these comments on board when filming my final title sequence which I feel, resulted in a more professional looking final project, the differences between my mockup and final title sequence are very clear highlighting that I listened to all the comments and took the audiences opinions on board. I feel that this added to the success of the project greatly as it resulted in a sequence that appealed to my chosen target audience and, not just what I thought would appeal to them. 

Magazine Cover
Throughout the project I also, gathered a range of audience feedback regarding my Magazine cover in order, to create a successful cover that would stand out on the shop shelves against competitors. Firstly, I gathered feedback regarding my initial designs, many of the children commented on the exciting image of the split children's faces, they all said it was unique and eye catching. The readers also, liked the bold headline for the main cover story that they felt would stand out on the shop shelved, they also  liked the variety of sub-stories. However, when it came to making mock ups I ignored my initial pencil drawings and tried to make a simple cover that would be clear for the children to read. When gathering feedback from my audience regarding my mock ups they didn't like the new design as they felt it looked 'too educational' and the main cover image was 'boring' and 'unappealing'. After this, I realised how much I need to listen and take on board audience feedback as that relies on the success of my final products. I realised that I should take on board their comments and, make a magazine that actually appealed to them and no just what I thought would appeal to them. After my mock up feedback, I looked back at my initial ideas that were more successful and built up new ideas based on them, I combined successful elements from both covers, for example, I used  the 'evacuation edition' stamp idea in my final products as the audience commented on how effective it was. But, I then changed the main image back to one similar to my initial ideas that the audience liked better than the mock up. 
Overall, I feel that this feedback resulted in an informative and appealing magazine that clearly highlights the time travelling theme and the main cover story to the young audience. However, I do feel that not taking on board my initial audience feedback resulted in a less professional product than my other tasks . This was because, I was running out of time and, had to design a new cover  whilst completing other tasks, this is why it may appear very simple and slightly rushed. 

DVD Cover
Finally, I feel that my DVD cover was highly effective as I again took audience feedback into account and listened to what they liked and, disliked about the Cover. After realising the importance of target audience feedback when making my magazine cover, I made sure that I listened and took all their comments into account so that I did not waste time having to redesign the product. When gathering feedback from my initial pencil design,the children all commented on the effectiveness of the main image as it was something unique compared to other DVD covers. They also commented on how the text was simple and easy to read from a distance, this feature was particularly popular amongst the younger target audience members. Once I had made my mock up I again gathered target audience that helped add to the success of my final product, this time I carried out more detailed target audience feedback so that I could ensure my final product was a success. To do this, I showed the children my mock up and gave them a piece of paper for them to write own the positives, negatives and potential improvements. When reading through the children's comments iI could draw similarities ,for example, many children commented on how they disliked the red background as it takes focus away from the Logo and makes it hard to read. This then helped me as when making my final product in iStudio I explored a variety of different backgrounds and instead chose a pale yellow which helps the red logo and main image stoa out from a distance. I also, reduced the harsh back lines dividing up the images as many of the children commented on how it took the focus off the characters, although it is only a small change I think that it was highly effective. I feel that my continual audience feedback throughout this task resulted in a professional and, appealing product that grabs my chosen audiences attention when on the shop shelves. 

Overall, throughout  this project I have learnt that the audience feedback is key to a successful end product because, their opinion is valuable as they know their audience/age range better than you. I have found audience feedback very helpful as when I did not listen to it ,for example, when making the magazine cover, I ended up with a dull and boring product that the children said they would not buy. This then wasted time as I had to redesign the cover and take on board all their comments, this was particularly hard as I was on a tight schedule in order to complete everything before the deadline. Continual feedback throughout the project allowed my audience to create a product with me that they will enjoy and will appeal to their friends. In conclusion, I am very happy with all the positive and constructive feedback I have received from my audience as it has resulted in a more professional and successful product that appeals to my chosen market. 

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