Thursday 25 February 2016

DVD Cover Mock Up - Audience Feedback

Here I have collected together some feedback on the DVD cover I designed, I asked 7 members of my target audience to comment on the positives and negatives of the cover. They also helped me with suggesting improvements I can make so that it is more appealing to my chosen audience.

‘I like how the image is split into sections to show the different time periods however, I feel that it looks rather busy and cluttered. You could improve this by keeping the background images simple so that the focus is on the characters.’

‘I feel that compared to the busy and eye-catching image the title of the program looks quite boring and plain. Maybe you colour redesign some aspects of the logo to make it more eye-catching and memorable.’

‘I like the characters different costumes on the cover as it clearly show the different time periods they are traveling to. I like the main image on the cover however; I think it over powers the title slightly’.

‘I am not keen on the red background behind the text; I think that it distracts you from the title of the program. To improve this you could try using a duller colour maybe a grey or maroon, just so that the focus is on the title and image.’

‘I like how there is a girl and a boy character so that it appeals to both boys and girls. However, I think the red background may put some boys off as they associate it with girls. Maybe you could use a darker red that isn’t so stereotypical’.

‘I feel that the title is overpowered by the main image, to improve maybe you could change the layout of the DVD cover so that the title is at the top which makes it stand out more.’

‘I like the DVD cover I think that it is appealing to people of my age as the characters are a similar age. I also like the time travelling theme as it is fun and interesting to look at their costumes’.
To conclude
Many children commented on the contrast between the busy image and plain logo, when making my real DVD cover I will take this into account and as one child suggested I may have to change the layout. Many children also commented on the red background stating that it distracted them for the main image; I will also take this factor into account and will experiment with colours that will suit the cover better. When designing my DVD cover I will take this audience feedback into account as it is crucial for making sure that my DVD cover looks professional and appealing to my target audience.

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