Tuesday 2 February 2016

DVD Cover - Mock Up

Here I have made some mock ups for my 'Time Travellers' DVD cover, I have used the software iStudio to make these and I have stuck to my original design. iStudio allowed me to fit my images to specific shapes which helps show the children in different time periods. I also think that dividing the page helps the image flow better helping to create the time travelling effect. Here I have shown the Development of making the DVD covers, my initial designs included no backgrounds however, when I made the first cover i felt that it looked very basic and unappealing to my young target audience. 

Masthead/ Logo
I feel that the masthead I have included on my DVD cover is eye catching and easy for my target audience to read and recognize. I have kept the masthead simple yet effective as the DVD cover is already very busy and I don’t want to clutter it with a big bold logo from my program. I have broken typical media conventions associated with mastheads at the top of DVD and magazine covers as I have placed it at the bottom of the cover. I decided to place the masthead at the bottom of the cover so that the main focus is on the images above this is because my target audience is young children and they tend to be drawn in more by photos rather than text, so when on the shop shelves the images are the first thing they’ll see. Finally the simple serif font highlights the historic time travelling theme to the young audience.
Target Audience
I feel that this DVD cover I have designed is clearly aimed at a younger audience, this is because of the large  images on the front to catch their attention and appeal to them . The Childish theme is carried throughout the cover as it uses large images of the characters in different time periods to show the audience what the TV program is about. The models used on the DVD cover also convey the young target audience as they too are young and a similar age. It is also clear that this DVD cover appeals to a younger target market as it contains little text and is largely image based. This image is especially appealing to my target audience as it appeals to both young boys and girls, this is seen through the models I have selected. 
The Layout used for this DVD cover follows typical media conventions for DVDs because , this magazine includes a clear masthead so that it is easy to see on the shop shelves. The DVD cover also follows conventions as it uses a photograph of the main characters which clearly highlights their personalities and the plot of the program . This is effective as it makes the cover look appealing to its audience and gives them an insight into what is in the DVD series is about. All the episodes are listed on the back for them to see easily.
The simple sans serif font I will be using makes the writing easy and clear for the young target audience to read. By making the font clear and easy to read allows the young audience to become independent in reading by themselves, this then allows them to become interested in the DVD and is easy for them to understand.
DVD Conventions 
This DVD cover follows many media conventions that are typically seen on other DVD covers covers on shop shelves. This DVD has a clear barcode and a suitable age rating so that the audience can know what age the program is appropriate for. On the back it also lists all the episodes the DVD includes which is a typical convention so that the viewer can clearly see what episodes the DVD includes. 
Overall, I am yet to decide whether I prefer the red background behind the masthead, I feel that it slightly distracts the target audience from the busy image, creating a very cluttered overwhelming cover. However, I feel that without the background the bottom of the cover appears very plain and boring. To help me decide I will be asking my target market for their personal opinions on the cover and if there are any improvements I can make so that it appeals specifically to my audience. 

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