Saturday 16 January 2016

Magazine Mock Up - Audience Feedback

Here I have collected together some feedback on the Magazine cover I designed for my Time Travelling program, I asked 7 members of my target audience to comment on the positives and negatives of the cover. They also helped me with suggesting improvements I can make so that it is more appealing to my chosen audience.

‘I think that the overall look of the magazine cover is slightly boring as it looks to educational. Maybe you could include more images and colours to attract the reader’s attention’.

‘I like the stamp that tells you what edition the magazine is, this makes it fun for the reader and would grab my attention when in the shop. I like how the stamp stands out and makes the magazine look less formal and educational.’

‘I think the font is easy for young readers to read and understand however, I think using the same font and colours across the cover makes it look boring and dull. Personally I think this cover would not stand out to me on the shop shelves.’

‘I think the main cover image is boring and unappealing, it does not grab my attention. I think that you need a fun and energetic image to grab the reader’s attention as images are the first thing you look at on the cover.’

‘Overall I think this cover appears a bit boring for this audience, there are no eye-catching, bold colours they are all very dull. For a children’s magazine I think you need to use bright bold colours that catch the reader’s attention when on the shop shelves.’

‘I think you need more sub stories and competitions to grab the reader’s attention, the sub stories at the moment are very hidden they do not stand out. I also think they are quite boring and unappealing for this target audience.’

‘I think the overall appearance of this magazine is quite boring, although you have made it clear and easy for young children to read I feel that it appears to educational looking therefore making it appear boring to young children.’
To conclude
From this audience research I have found out a lot regarding the magazine cover I made, many children commented on the fact that it looks dull and to educational. This will then instantly turn them off the magazine as they want to read something fun and exciting. Many children also commented on the fact that the main image is also boring and dull, to improve this I will practice with the different types of shots and camera work so that I can create a fun and eye catching image. Overall I feel that the feedback for my magazine has been quite negative, maybe this was because I didn't stick to my original design that was successful amongst my target audience. For my final cover I will take this criticism on board so that I can make a professional yet fun and eye caching magazine for my target audience. 

Friday 15 January 2016

Magazine Cover - Mock Ups

The masthead for this magazine will be the memorable and recognizable ‘Time Travellers’  Logo. This logo I have designed is very different from others as it is not as bold  as conventional mastheads because,I have used a Serif font however, I feel the masthead will still stand out on the shop shelves. The masthead uses colours  that I feel are associated with Time travel, for example the maroon and black colour scheme is typically associated with different time periods as it looks washed out and dated.  The typeface used is clear and easy to understand , this is useful for the young target audience as it is easy to read, the Time travelling theme is also shown through the colours and use of typeface as it is considered as an old fashioned/ classic font. By making it easy to read children will enjoy and take an interest in the magazine and reading.
Target Audience
This magazine I have designed clearly conveys its target audience through the large images and the language used.  The use of words such as ‘Win’ and ‘Facts and Quizzes’ implies that it is targeted at a younger audience aged 6-12. I feel that this magazine is clearly aimed at both young boys and girls, this is shown though the selection of characters used in the cover image.the green colour scheme i have used is also unisex allowing it to appeal to a wider target audience.. The Time travelling theme also shows that it is aimed at young boys and girl as it I a genre that appeals to both genders.
The layout for this magazine can be seen as typical of other media magazines as it contains one main image that bleeds of the page , this gives  the readers an insight into what the main article is about. It also has several other articles with corresponding images to again give the readers an insight into what the article is about and makes them anxious to read the magazine. The busy and unorganized layout makes the magazine again, more appealing to a young audience as they believe they are getting more articles than other conventional magazines. The busy and unorganized layout also appeals to children as it implies that the magazine informal and an enjoyable read.
The front cover image clearly coveys the theme and typical storylines of the program, with the three spy's being placed at the front in the centre of the shot implies that not only are they three main characters but also that they are in control. the character on the bottom left is then presented as the antagonist and villain of the program, this is suggested through his clothing and, the facial expression is implying that he is causing problems for the spy's.
The simple an easy to read sans serif font clearly conveys its young target audience as it is easy for them to read independently,I have used  the WW2 and 1920s associated colours and fonts to further emphasis the time travelling genre to its target market.
Sub articles
The sub articles shown on the front cover all have corresponding images, this is so the reader can quickly see what the article is about, making them anxious to read it.i feel that the sub tasks I have included on the cover are fun and exciting for children as they are creative and non educational. 
Magazine Conventions

This magazine follows many magazine conventions that are typically seen on other magazine covers on shop shelves. This magazine has a clear barcode and issue number  which makes it easy for the customer know the issue and price of the magazine.

Thursday 7 January 2016

Sub Task - Magazine Cover Plan

The masthead for this magazine will be the memorable and recognizable ‘Time Travellers’  Logo. This logo I have designed is very different from others as it is not as bold as conventional mastheads this is because, I have used a Serif font however, I feel the masthead will still stand out on the shop shelves. The masthead uses colours and a theme that is similar to the one used on the title sequence, this makes the masthead recognizable and memorable to the fans of the TV show. The typeface used is clear and easy to understand, this is useful for the young target audience as it is easy to read, the Time travelling theme is also shown through the colours and use of typeface as it is considered as an old fashioned/ classic font. By making it easy to read children will enjoy and take an interest in the magazine and reading.
Target Audience
This magazine I have designed clearly conveys its target audience through the large images and the language used.  The use of words such as ‘Win’ implies that it is targeted at a younger audience aged 6-12. I feel that this magazine is aimed at both young boys and girls, this is shown though the selection of characters and use of color .the color scheme for this cover will be either green or red depending on the era I chose to use, neither of the colours are stereotypical and the magazine will therefore appeal to a larger audience.  
The layout for this magazine can be seen as typical of other media magazines as it contains one main image that bleeds off  the page , this gives  the readers an insight into what the main article is about. It also has several other articles with corresponding images to again give the readers an insight into what the article is about and makes them anxious to read the magazine. The busy and unorganized layout makes the magazine again, more appealing to a young audience as they believe they are getting more articles than other conventional magazines. The busy and unorganized layout also appeals to children as it implies that the magazine informal and an enjoyable read.
The front cover image clearly coveys the theme and typical story lines of the program, with the Two character placed  at the front in the Centre of the shot implies that not only are they are the main characters but also that they are in control. I feel that this image will clearly convey the time travelling theme as the children are split between modern and the 1920s this is shown through their costumes and makeup.
The simple an easy to read sans serif font clearly conveys its young target audience as it is easy for them to read independently, colours and fonts associated with time travelling  will be used further emphasize the genre to my target market.
Sub articles
The sub articles shown on the front cover all have corresponding images, this is so the reader can quickly see what the article is about, making them anxious to read it.
Magazine Conventions
This magazine follows many magazine conventions that are typically seen on other magazine covers on shop shelves. This magazine has a clear barcode and issue number  which makes it easy for the customer know the issue and price of the magazine.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Sub Task - DVD Cover Plan

Here I have designed the DVD cover for my TV drama aimed at children, I have also analysed it to see what conventions I have followed and to explain my ideas .
Masthead/ Logo
I feel that the masthead I have included on my DVD cover is eye catching and easy for my target audience to read and recognise. I have kept the masthead simple yet effective as the DVD cover is already very busy and I don’t want to clutter it with a big bold logo from my programme. I have broken typical media conventions associated with mastheads at the top of DVD and magazine covers as I have placed it at the bottom of the cover. I decided to place the masthead at the bottom of the cover so that the main focus is on the images above this is because my target audience is young children and they tend to be drawn in more by photos rather than text, so when on the shop shelves the images are the first thing they’ll see. Finally the simple serif font highlights the historic time travelling theme to the young audience.
Target Audience
I feel that this DVD cover I have designed is clearly aimed at a younger audience, this is because of the large  images on the front to catch their attention and appeal to them . The Childish theme is carried throughout the cover as it uses large images of the characters in different time periods to show the audience what the TV programme is about. It is also clear that this DVD cover appeals to a younger target market as it contains little text when explaining episodes and instead uses corresponding mages that give the children a snapshot of the episode ahead.
The Layout used for this DVD cover follows typical media conventions for DVDs because , this magazine includes a clear masthead so that it is easy to see on the shop shelves. The DVD cover also follows conventions as it uses a photograph of the main characters which clearly highlights their personalities and the plot of the programme . This is effective as it makes the cover look appealing to its audience and gives them an insight into what is in the DVD series is about. All the episodes are listed on the back for them to see easily.
The simple sans serif font I will be using makes the writing easy and clear for the young target audience to read. By making the font clear and easy to read allows the young audience to become independent in reading by themselves, this then allows them to become interested in the DVD and is easy for them to understand.
DVD Conventions

This DVD cover follows many media conventions that are typically seen on other DVD covers covers on shop shelves. This DVD has a clear barcode and a suitable age rating so that the audience can know what age the programme is appropriate for. On the back it also lists all the episodes the DVD includes which is a typical convention so that the viewer can clearly see what episodes the DVD includes. 

Saturday 2 January 2016

Hair and Make Up - Experimentation

Here I have experimented with a variety of hair styles that I feel will reflect the era the characters are in. I have chosen not to experiment or include any make up as I feel that it is wrong to promote children wearing make up to my young target audience. 

Here I have experimented with a variety of styles which I feel reflect the Roman Era. I chose to include a small hair accessory as Gold head bands were very popular during the roman period and i think this adds to the overall look. I personally like the first image where the hair is all on one side, this is because i think it is simple yet effective and will therefore not take attention away from the costume. 
Here I have experimented with a variety of hair styles which I think reflects evacuees during World War Two. I have chosen to accessorise this look with a typical 1940s hat as I feel that it makes the overall look more believable and accurate. I feel that the two plaits are the best look as it suits my character and is more age appropriate it was also a typical children style of the time. 

Here I have experimented with different hairstyles that are accociated with the 1950s, here i have experimented with different hair bands that add the look. I like the polka dot hairbands as the polka dot patter was very typical of 1950's fashion. However, I think the plain side ponytail look is the best look for my title sequence as it is simple and will not take the focus away from the costume. I decided not to go with the polka dot accessories as there is already polka dots on the characters costume and, I don't want them to distract the viewers from the title sequence.