Thursday 7 January 2016

Sub Task - Magazine Cover Plan

The masthead for this magazine will be the memorable and recognizable ‘Time Travellers’  Logo. This logo I have designed is very different from others as it is not as bold as conventional mastheads this is because, I have used a Serif font however, I feel the masthead will still stand out on the shop shelves. The masthead uses colours and a theme that is similar to the one used on the title sequence, this makes the masthead recognizable and memorable to the fans of the TV show. The typeface used is clear and easy to understand, this is useful for the young target audience as it is easy to read, the Time travelling theme is also shown through the colours and use of typeface as it is considered as an old fashioned/ classic font. By making it easy to read children will enjoy and take an interest in the magazine and reading.
Target Audience
This magazine I have designed clearly conveys its target audience through the large images and the language used.  The use of words such as ‘Win’ implies that it is targeted at a younger audience aged 6-12. I feel that this magazine is aimed at both young boys and girls, this is shown though the selection of characters and use of color .the color scheme for this cover will be either green or red depending on the era I chose to use, neither of the colours are stereotypical and the magazine will therefore appeal to a larger audience.  
The layout for this magazine can be seen as typical of other media magazines as it contains one main image that bleeds off  the page , this gives  the readers an insight into what the main article is about. It also has several other articles with corresponding images to again give the readers an insight into what the article is about and makes them anxious to read the magazine. The busy and unorganized layout makes the magazine again, more appealing to a young audience as they believe they are getting more articles than other conventional magazines. The busy and unorganized layout also appeals to children as it implies that the magazine informal and an enjoyable read.
The front cover image clearly coveys the theme and typical story lines of the program, with the Two character placed  at the front in the Centre of the shot implies that not only are they are the main characters but also that they are in control. I feel that this image will clearly convey the time travelling theme as the children are split between modern and the 1920s this is shown through their costumes and makeup.
The simple an easy to read sans serif font clearly conveys its young target audience as it is easy for them to read independently, colours and fonts associated with time travelling  will be used further emphasize the genre to my target market.
Sub articles
The sub articles shown on the front cover all have corresponding images, this is so the reader can quickly see what the article is about, making them anxious to read it.
Magazine Conventions
This magazine follows many magazine conventions that are typically seen on other magazine covers on shop shelves. This magazine has a clear barcode and issue number  which makes it easy for the customer know the issue and price of the magazine.

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