Friday 11 March 2016

Editing - DVD Cover

When making my DVD cover I found that Photoshop was a very helpful software to use. When Making my DVD cover I wanted high quality professional looking photos and Photoshop helped me to achieve this. First I used the 'Magnetic Lasso' tool which allowed me to delete the bright green background. After removing the background I then used the 'Sponge tool' which allowed me to touch up any imperfections and make the image bright and of a high quality. Photoshop also allowed me to crop images so that they will fit the shape of my DVD cover. I found Photoshop a particularly useful tool when making my magazine cover as I could achieve a professional looking photo that stands out on the shop shelves. 
Once all the images were edited, I then used the iStudio software to make my DVD cover. I chose this software as it allowed me to create layers within my magazine so that I could overlap images and sub stories. iStudio also offered a variety of different textures filters for shapes, I chose the washed out letter fill as I feel that it tied in well with the WW2/evacuation theme. This therefore created a more professional and effective DVD cover, I also used the same fill on my magazine cover so that they tie in together. Finally iStudio allowed me to fit my images to specific shapes so that I could create the overall split image that I wanted. 

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