Thursday 10 March 2016

Title Sequence Mock Up - Audience Feedback

Here I have collected together some feedback on the title sequence I made for my children’s TV drama ‘Time Travellers’, I asked 8 members of my target audience to comment on the positives and negatives of the cover. They also helped me with suggesting improvements I can make so that it is more appealing to my chosen audience.

 ‘I like the title sequence I think that it is fun and energetic, however, I feel that the lighting is quite poor which can make it appear quite dull at first glance. I think that if you improve the lighting quality the title sequence will be a lot more appealing for this audience.’

‘I like all the characters different costumes that represent the time period they are in, I like how when they are time travelling at the start the viewers can see all their different outfits.’

‘overall I like the title sequence however, I think some parts are a bit repetitive. For example, when the girl is turning and her costume is changing. I think that it all appears quite similar maybe you could include more of a variety of camera shots.’

‘I really like the music for this title sequence, I think that it is fun and exciting for the views as its fast pace is stimulating and getting them ready for they hectic program ahead. I also like the way the radio changes at the start as it shows the viewers that this is how they time travel’.

‘I think there should be more of a variety of backgrounds, I think they all look very similar, this makes the title sequence appear quite boring and repetitive’.

‘I like the way the characters are introduced with small clips next to them showing their personality and some features of the program, however I think it is a bit brief ‘

‘I really like the camera shot where the boy throws his hat and it changes into a different time period I think that is something different compared to other title sequences. I like these type of shots as they are fun and different to the stuff that is usually on TV.’

‘Overall I like this title sequence as it appeals to both young boys and girl, however I think some parts are slightly repetitive so maybe you could include more of a variety of camera shots to capture the views attention’.
To Conclude
From this audience research I have found out a lot regarding the title sequence I made, many children commented on the fact that the lighting is not very good which results in it looking boring and dull. This will then instantly turn them off the program as they want to watch something fun and exciting, title sequences are made to capture the audience’s attention but if it looking boring viewers will turn over. Many children also commented on the fact that a lot of the camera shots are quite repetitive, to improve this I will practice with the different types of shots and camera work so that I can create a fun and eye catching title sequence. Overall I feel that the feedback for title sequence has been quite mixed, maybe this was because I didn't stick to my original design that was successful amongst my target audience. For title sequence I will take this criticism on board so that I can make a professional yet fun and eye caching title sequence that will capture my audience’s attention, I will include a variety of camera shots and make sure the overall lighting is much better. 

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