Tuesday 1 December 2015


Here I have gathered together potential actors for my TV title sequence, I will now compare them and decide who is best suited to play the characters in my program.

I have decided to not to cast Collette or Olivia because, I feel that they are too young for my target audience to relate to, also with their young age they may not be able to play the part as well as the more mature people available. I have also chosen not to cast Shannon as I feel not only is she too old she is also very tall and i want my actors to be similar heights. Also she does not have the overall look I am interested in for my TV title sequence. Therefore, for the role of my female character I have chosen Lydia, this is because she is a similar age to my target audience so my audience can relate and engage with her character, although she is the more mature end of my target audience she still looks very young so this will work well to my advantage and among my audience. 

Similar to when I decided not to cast Olivia and Collette I have also decided not to cast Louis and Conor for the same reason. This being that I feel that they are too young and irrelevent to my chosen target audience. I have also decided not to choose Daniel as my actor as I feel that he is too old and is far to tall compared to my chosen female character as I would like them to be similar height. Therefore, for my leading male character I have chosen Billy, this is because he is a similar age and height to Lydia. I wanted them to be a similar age and height so that they look compatible on screen together. Also in the TV program the two actors I have chosen will be brother and sister so I wanted them to look similar or, at least have similar features; I feel that I have achieved this by choosing Lydia and Billy as my two characters. 

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