Tuesday 13 October 2015

Sub Task - DVD Cover Conventions

Here I have chosen a selection of popular children’s TV dramas and their DVD series covers, I am analysing these so that I can see what conventions are typical of Children’s DVD covers, this will then help me to design and make a successful DVD  based on my TV Drama. 
Firstly, all the DVD covers have very bold and busy layouts to grab the audiences attention when on the shop shelves, particularly the Doctor Who and Hannah Montana covers have used bright eye catching colours that are appealing and grab the audiences attention, this may be because, their target audience is drawn to in by big images and bold titles rather than simple more adult colour scheme and layouts. . Many of the covers also use bright contrasting colours that again will grab the young target audience’s attention. The use of contrasting colours may be a typical convention of children’s DVD covers because, they are very image and layout based as it looks exciting and fun rather than the more minimalistic DVD covers aimed at an older target audience.
Secondly another convention of the children’s DVD covers is that they all include their programs logo as the main masthead or title for the DVD cover. This may be because it is easy for the young target audience to remember and recognise from the TV programme. Also by using the TV programmes well known logo on the DVD cover further promote the TV programme to other people in the shops not just to those buying the TV programmes merchandise.
Thirdly, another convention of Children’s DVD covers is that they all use a main image that bleeds off the page and has the main character at the front of the photograph. Young Dracula and Hannah Montana particularly follow this convention, this convention allows the audience to see immediately who is the main character in the programme and who the plot is based around. They also have the other characters in the background of the shot with further emphasises the characters status in the programme.
Another convention I have found is that all the DVD covers have an age certificate on the DVD cover with any warnings. This allows the parents to know what age this DVD is suitable for and what graphic content the TV programme may contain. 
The final convention I have found on Children’s DVD cover is that on the back of they cover that all use images that correspond with the episodes on the disk, this gives the audience an insight into what the episode is about quickly and effectively. The children’s DVD covers I have analysed may contain more images that those on an adult DVD because, children may not be able to read and understand they synopsis as much as adults, so lots of small images is interesting and more exciting for them.

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