Monday 12 October 2015

Sub Task - Initial Magazine Research

Here I have chosen a selection of popular children’s magazines that are based on children’s TV programs, I am looking at these so that I can see what conventions are typical of children’s magazines this will then help me to design and make a successful magazine based on my TV Drama. 
Firstly, all the magazines have very busy and bold layouts to grab the reader’s attention when on the shop shelves, particularly the Cbeebies and Disney adventures magazine have gone for this look ,this may be because, they are aimed at a younger target audience who tend
to be drawn in by big images rather than bold headlines. Many of the magazines also use bright contrasting colours that again will grab the young target audience’s attention. The use of contrasting colours may be a typical convention of children’s magazines because they are very image and layout based; this may be because it, looks exciting and fun rather than boring bold headlines that are more conventional of adult magazines. This is not typical of many magazines that are aimed at an older audience as they tend to use a simple colour scheme that is usually similar to the masthead. Furthermore, all the magazines I have chosen, use one main headline with lots of sub articles around them, this makes the young readers think they are getting more for their money and again looks eye-catching and bold on the shop shelves compared to other magazines. 

Secondly, another convention of children’s magazines that I have found is they all include a small logo of the TV channel that the program is shown on, this is not only so children know what channel the program is on but it is also a form of advertising. By advertising the TV channel and the program on the magazine will make the TV channel memorable and children will gain a wider interest in the channel and other programmes it may show, by promoting the channel its rating figures will rise causing a bigger success for the program and for more merchandise like, DVDs and toys to be made and sold.
Finally, all the magazines use large clear typefaces to again draw in the reader’s attention. This is a convention of many children’s magazines because, it allows the children to read independently as they may struggle with reading. This allows them to become more independent and take an interest in reading and the magazine, it is also more enjoyable for the children and makes them anxious and excited to buy the next issue.

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